Statsafe® Shot Exploder Model 621F

Crank Operated Model

Overview and features

  • This Exploder fires up to 25 Type 1 (Shocktube Initiator or Statsafe®) electric initiators/detonators connected in series, where the total circuit resistance does not exceed 25Ω.
  • The small, compact and lightweight design makes it easy to transport and comfortable to carry.
  • The unit is housed in a tough plastic enclosure and is fully water resistant.


The Exploder is powered by means of a hand cranked dynamo and fires automatically after a period of 3-5s. An indicator light glows dimly during charging and flashes when the unit fires.

Notice and Maintenance

  • All service work must be performed by authorized AEC Electronics personnel only.
  • Approved for use in fiery mines.


For full specifications and more information, please download the datasheet for this product.
Download Datasheet